# Glossary

You may stumble upon some unfamiliar concepts in the documentation. This section lists the common terms in the documentation for easy access, learning and plugin/theme development.

# layout

  • Access: $page.frontmatter.layout

Name of the layout component used by the current page.

# frontmatter

  • Access: $page.frontmatter

Configuration wrapped by --- in the markdown file of the current page, generally used to do some page-level configuration. For more details, please see Frontmatter.

  • Access: $page.frontmatter.permalink

Permalinks. For more details, please head permalinks.

# regularPath

  • Access: $page.regularPath

The current page is based on the URL generated by the directory structure.


When dynamically generating routes during the build period, a page’s URL ($page.path) will use $page.frontmatter.permalink first, and if it doesn’t exist, it will be downgraded to $page.regularPath.

# headers

  • Access: $page.headers

That is, those titles defined by one or more # in markdown.

# siteConfig

  • Access: $site | Context.siteConfig

.vuepress/config.js, i.e., site configuration

# themeConfig

  • Access: $themeConfig | Context.themeConfig

Value of themeConfig in .vuepress/config.js, i.e., user’s theme configuration.

# themePath

  • Access: Context.themeAPI.theme.path

Root path (absolute path) of the used theme.

# themeEntry

  • Access: Context.themeAPI.theme.entry

Theme’s configuration file - themePath/index.js.

# parentThemePath

  • Access: Context.themeAPI.parentTheme.path

If the current theme is a derived theme, parentThemePath refers to the absolute path of the parent theme.

# parentThemeEntry

  • Access: Context.themeAPI.parentTheme.entry

If the current theme is a derived theme, parentThemeEntry refers to the theme configuration of the parent theme.